Monday, October 8, 2018

Week 8: Progress

Happy Cat Meme (ImgFlip)

After comparing my accumulated points to the progress chart, I should be to get the grade I want.  If I work ahead I may even finish early, which would be very nice.  I must be honest and say that setting up my web site was challenging for me.  I'm not very technologically hip so it took me a lot of time to set it up correctly.  I think I am starting to get the hang of it now.  I do take advantage of  of the extra credit.  I like to do the tech tips and Wikipedia trails.  They are fast and fun. I think the editing challenges are my favorite thing to do when it comes to writing.  I am not that good at grammar and punctuation.  So, these activities have helped me learn a lot.

For the rest of the semester I don't plan on changing much.  I tend to be a mule on my path.  My website and blog are designed to my personal tastes.  So, I think I will leave well enough alone.  My biggest concern is falling behind because I devote more time my engineering classes.  So I will try to work ahead and do more of the extra credit options.  I think I will try to focus on improving my punctuation skills.  Engineers do a lot of technical writing, and the same rules apply.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ramona,

    I am glad your progress is going well so far. I, too, am trying to finish the class early to focus on my other classes towards the end of the semester. I also like the tech tip extra credit assignments. I have not tried the Wikipedia trails yet, but I think I would like to try them in the future.

